Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teen Health Community Website

In the spirit of National Mental Health Month, I’d like to share with you an online resource for teens. 

The website is Bodimojo, and it’s an online health and wellness community for teenagers.  They have a great catchy slogan: “Warning: Health can be Habit Forming”. This website features information all about teen health issues from body image, dating, eating disorders, nutrition and fitness.

Their mission is clear and simple: “Give all teens a place, a voice, and a chance to take control of their health and feel good about it.” Bodimojo’s goal “is to build a community of teenagers that allows youth to connect, motivate, and inspire one another in healthy decision making.

Information for teens, especially health related information, is especially important to ensure that they grow up as happy, healthy adults. 

Not only is information presented in the form of articles and blogs, the website includes music, games, quizzes, videos, and contests. Plus, this website is a place for teens to do what they do best, share information with their friends. Information can be shared with the major social media sites! What can be better than that?

Teens model their behaviors and boundaries in relation to what their friends are doing. So if a teen is tweeting or posting health related information, their friends will listen, adapt, and pass along the information to their friends.

If you have a teen or pre-teen, check out this website as a resource. 

by: Mindy Perry, Marketer

Bodimojo. (2011). Home Page. Retrieved from http://www.bodimojo.com/
Image by circulating.  Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. Retrieved from:

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